Out of pre-release and into the wild!

Alive is now out of pre-release and available to all in its release version. Have fun — stay relaxed and healthy.
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Alive pre-release

Alive Mini Games screenshotsIt's an exciting time at Somatic Vision — Our new comprehensive stress-reduction product, Alive, is in pre-release and is available to try out.

What does this mean to you? You can be among the first to benefit from Alive's multitude of audio and walk-through workshops, fun and diverse environments, and exciting games. Alive knows everybody learns best in their own way, and provides an array of on- and off-screen tools that will be sure to help you build balance, relief from stress, and better mental performance in your professional and personal life.

In an-ever busier world, Alive is a flagship product that trains you to develop drug-free, healthy skills and habits that are fun and easy to incorporate into your daily life to make it better. That's what Somatic Vision is all about.

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A breath of fresh air in the marketplace

breathing for better healthHours after completing an educational article about breathing for stress reduction, it seemed serendipitous to see this display at my local Rite Aid.

Evidence that Somatic Vision is part of a growing number of companies popularizing conscious breathing as the most effective way to relieve stress.

The RESPeRate focuses on reducing blood pressure specifically, whereas Somatic Vision takes a more broad approach to stress reduction and mental performance...but both see the simple act of breathing as the healthiest, most effective path.

Glad to see the idea is spreading!

You can download our FREE article about breathing for stress relief here.

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Somatic Vision for everyone

Hello friends and visitors!

For 5 years now, Somatic Vision has been working with psychotherapists and biofeedback experts to put a fun — and effective — spin on the practice of biofeedback.

(If you're not familiar with it, biofeedback is the practice of using your body's signals to measure and display its stress levels. Through biofeedback, people can see the progress they are making as they learn to control "automatic" functions such as breathing and heart rate, thereby releasing stress and attaining better mental clarity in difficult situations.)

Now, Somatic Vision is taking its proven approach out of the clinic and and making it accessible to anyone in this busy world who is interested in improving their ability to succeed in stressful situations.

Through a platform of unintimidating games, audio and visual environments, software-based workshops, and the integration of a virtual Coach, we make it easy for you to measure and address the stress you are carrying around in your life. We make it easy for you to better handle challenging school projects, public speaking engagements, parenthood, focus or concentration issues, critical security tasks you may need to perform in your line of work, and many other tense and overwhelming commitments you may have.

How cool is that?

We think it's way cool, which is why we're doing it!

We hope you'll visit here often for tips and tricks provided by Yuval Oded, a Clinical Psychophysiologist who has developed biofeedback programs to help military personnel keep a clear head, suppress unhelpful responses to difficult situations, and effectively manage an array of decisions and tasks at hand. Oded also integrates biofeedback in his clinical programs to help patients manage stress and anxiety — the common causes of most ailments and medical conditions.

And we hope you'll make use of our forum and comment freely here on the blog.

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