Yes, you can feel 2 minutes or less!

AOL Health has shared some great tips for feeling better in just 2 minutes! Some highlights:

Health Issue: If You're Seriously Stressed..."The best fix is the one you can do anywhere: breathing." Says Brooke Siler, owner of New York City's Re:AB Pilates studio. Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose. Hold for five counts; exhale through your nose for 10 counts. Repeat for two minutes. This can deactivate your fight-or-flight response and help you relax.

Health Issue: If You've Got Absolutely No Energy...Yoga pro Mandy Ingber, who works with Jennifer Aniston, recommends the bridge pose: "It allows the lungs to fully expand so more oxygen circulates to your brain and muscles." Lie on your back, knees bent, heels directly under knees. Lift hips, clasping hands underneath your back. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing slowly.

Health Issue: If Your Hips Are Stiff From Driving...Hours behind the wheel can lead to hip and leg pain, says Dr. DeMann. Pit stop solution: Stand with your right side facing the car, and place right hand on car at shoulder height. Cross right leg behind left, keeping feet flat, and tilt hips toward car so you're arching sideways. You should feel a stretch in your right hip. Hold for 30 seconds; repeat on opposite side.

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