Seven secrets of deep breathing for health, healing, and spiritual well-being

From Dennis Lewis, the full skinny on breathing:

Deep, natural breathing can be important for health, healing, and spiritual well-being. Such breathing can increase our vitality and promote deep relaxation. Unfortunately, many of us who try to take a deep breath sometimes do the exact opposite of what is required: we suck in our bellies, raise our shoulders, and try to expand our chest. That is shallow breathing.

Here's a taste of this great list of seven things you can do to use breathing for better health:

  1. Don’t try to breathe deeply in all situations
. The human organism is not designed to breathe deeply at all times and in all situations. Trying to do so will create many problems. The depth of our breath, whether it is shallow, medium, or deep, depends in large part on what it is we are doing. If we are sitting quietly reading, for example, we do not need to be breathing deeply. If we are working hard and expending a great deal of energy, however, we might well need to breathe deeply. Another situation in which deep breathing can be beneficial is when we are trying to revitalize our energy or for special breathing or healing exercises.

Check out the whole article to read all 7 secrets!

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