Taking a deeper look at Alive session data

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Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:17 pm

Re: Taking a deeper look at Alive session data

Post by wzhuang »

Thank you for sharing the update!

My team has a couple of questions regarding the raw SCL data. Can you verify that the outputted data file named "*** SCL.csv", which contains two columns (Timestamp and Data), is the raw SCL recording? Further, can you advise us on the unit of measurement of the SCL values?

Thank you!
Ryan Deluz
Posts: 232
Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:46 am

Re: Taking a deeper look at Alive session data

Post by Ryan Deluz »

Yes, its' raw SCL. The units are uSiemens, but, and I can't explain why, there doesn't seem to be agreement between various devices about the uSiemens value for a human. I've seen different devices measure a fixed resistor to show the same resistance, but show very different readings on a body.
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