Alive software download

Alive Biofeedback Games and Tools

Alive Download

If you already own Lightstone, IOM or emWave sensors (from Wild Divine or Heart Math products), you can download Alive (2 GB) immediately and begin using it.

If you do not already own sensors, you are welcome to download Alive so it is ready for when your sensors arrive.

Download Alive for Windows
Download Alive for Mac OS X

For BioSignals HS users: Installing the latest version of Alive, which is now Alive 2024, requires you to update your BioSignals sensor's firmware. After updating the firmware you will no longer be able to use your BioSignals sensor with earlier versions of Alive.

The latest version of Alive is Alive 2024. If you wish to download the latest Alive 3.x version (LTS), for organizations that want to remain on a stable, unchanging version, or to avoid updating your BioSignals firmware, download Alive

For macOS requirements and compatibility please see

If you have problems downloading Alive for Windows try the Alive 2023.2.5.1 Alternate Downloader for Windows.
If you have a restrictive firewall that prevents Alive from downloading try the Alive 2023.2.5.1 Mirror Downloader for Windows.


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DeLee Lantz, Ph.D., BCIA

Alive is terrific for kids and teens. So far I have used it primarily with 11 to 16 year-olds. With other systems, I could never get an accurate heart rate signal from many younger children because they were so wiggly, and I often had to have very short training sessions because of their short attention span. With Alive, these children sit quietly and don't want to stop, even after 55 minutes. To quote one young boy who caught on immediately: "I have to stay calm even when things get hard."

Adam Kahn, parent

Adam Kahn, parent

We got a call from the school principal: Our son is doing better! I'm sure that Dual Drive has been a factor in his improvement. I love watching him calm down and breathe.