Inner Tube

Inner Tube Free Trial

The Inner Tube Free Trial is a great way to experience Inner Tube before buying it. The Inner Tube Free Trial, however, is software-only, and does not include the hardware you need to run Inner Tube.

If you already own Wild Divine finger sensors (from Wild Divine Healing Rhythms or The Passage products), you can use them with the Inner Tube Free Trial.

If you do not already own sensors, then you will want to consider purchasing Inner Tube, which comes with a no-questions moneyback guarantee.

Free Trial of Inner Tube
Inner Tube is a 348 MB download.

Note for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users: Once you download Inner Tube, if your User Account Control is active (by default), you will experience a lengthy delay — of up to one hour — between double-clicking the installer and seeing the Setup Screen. This is normal behavior in the Windows Vista / 7 environment. Please try not to open the installer more than once (double-clicking twice) as this will increase the delay before beginning installation.